Individual Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions

Rebirthing Breathwork is a simple yet powerful healing modality which releases and heals stored negative emotions and traumatic memories. It is also an effective tool to manage stress and create deep lasting relaxation.
(I am happy to be offering discounted online Skype or Zoom sessions during this time of "physical distancing". Please contact me for details).
When we experience traumatic events as children we often don't have the capacity to fully feel and process those events. The result is that our unfelt emotions and memories get stuck in our body and subconscious mind. These stored feelings and memories then create disturbances in our life ranging anywhere from subtle stress to failed relationships to chronic disease. If we ignore these stored traumas, our symptoms continue and often get worse.
The breath is the tool of resolution. It enables us to connect with our pain and release it, freeing us to be our true selves.
Rebirthing Breathwork leads to a deeper understanding of our unique role in the world and the gifts we have to offer.
As part of a Breathwork session Aaron includes guidance in the use of Positive Affirmations. When we experience traumatic events, our subconscious mind creates false beliefs about ourselves and our world. For example, parental disapproval can lead to the belief that "I am not good enough". A traumatic birth can lead to the belief "the world isn't safe" or "I'm not wanted".
Working with Positive Affirmations in alignment with Rebirthing help re-program our subconscious mind to be in alignment with our highest good and true desires.
In-Person Rebirthing Breathwork Session: $130.
Virtual Rebirthing Breathwork Session:
Sliding scale options available.
Sessions generally last between 2 to 3 hours.
Re-Writing Your Core Story Session

We all have positive qualities which give us a unique purpose in life. We all have gifts we can share which add fulfillment to our lives and enrichment to the world. When we are in alignment with our true nature and expressing our true talents we flow gracefully with life's experiences.
Sometimes these qualities, gifts and talents become inhibited by negative subconscious beliefs. These negative beliefs are often born from painful childhood experiences. We create these false beliefs as a way to cope with and explain childhood traumas. "My parents disapprove of me therefore I must be unlovable", "I have been physically abused or bullied because I am bad and deserving of punishment" etc. etc..
Our beliefs about ourselves become subconscious operating systems. They guide our lives in often detrimental ways until we expose them and heal them. We have the power to create the story we want. We can take control of our lives and fulfill our highest potential.
The Re-Writing Your Core Story session is an effective way to free yourself from these negative operating systems and transform them into positive beliefs which are in alignment with your natural gifts. Using the Personal Law/ Personal Lie consultation created by Leonard Orr and Laz Jefferson Aaron will guide you into discovering unknown aspects of yourself and show you how to re-write your story to fit with your true desires. You can create the life you want and experience the joy of connecting to your true self.
Re-Writing Your Core Story Session: $80.
Sliding scale options available.
Consults generally last between 60 to 90 minutes.
Group Rebirthing-Breathwork

These sessions offer a supportive and intimate group dynamic in which to experience the power of the Breath. Participants report feeling refreshed rejuvenated and supremely relaxed.
Dive down deep and cleanse yourself of old unwanted energies emotions and beliefs. We are infinite beings and the breath supports us on our path to our unlimited true nature.
To Host a group at your home contact Aaron.
Mentoring Session
I am happy to offer mentoring sessions for aspiring breathworkers. My 30+ years of experience has helped me gain insights and understandings about the breath that I love sharing with others.
Mentoring Sessions

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Fusce ac maximus mi. Suspendisse id feugiat eros, et facilisis nisl. Donec sagittis aliquet enim. Nunc enim lacus, consequat in lacus rutrum, luctus ultricies eros. Duis diam purus, feugiat non est maximus, vestibulum facilisis diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean tempus sem nibh, sit amet convallis sem rutrum vel. Donec blandit enim sed nulla tincidunt malesuada. Vestibulum volutpat pulvinar mi sit amet bibendum. In sollicitudin sem imperdiet lorem fermentum blandit non at augue. Sed vehicula cursus sodales. Quisque vel hendrerit est. In dolor turpis, accumsan non sodales nec, pharetra at velit. Etiam ut pulvinar lacus.
Curabitur tristique, eros ut laoreet iaculis, metus sem facilisis magna, in commodo dolor quam eget ligula.
Re-Writing Your Core Story Session: $80.
Sliding scale options available.
Consults generally last between 60 to 90 minutes.
Currently offering both Zoom and in-person sessions. Aaron's home office is located in SW Portland near the Terwilliger and Taylors Ferry intersection. House calls are also an option in the Portland area.
For a free 15min consultation and appointments, please contact Aaron at,
+1 (503) 290-6496
or to send an email:
(I typically respond to emails within a day or two. I have been having problems with my response emails not reaching recipients. If you don't hear back from me, feel free to send a text)
Individual Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions

Rebirthing Breathwork is a simple yet powerful healing modality which releases and heals stored negative emotions and traumatic memories. It is also an effective tool to manage stress and create deep lasting relaxation.
When we experience traumatic events as children we often don't have the capacity to fully feel and process those events. The result is that our unfelt emotions and memories get stuck in our body and subconscious mind. These stored feelings and memories then create disturbances in our life ranging anywhere from subtle stress to failed relationships to chronic disease. If we ignore these stored traumas, our symptoms continue and often get worse.
The breath is the tool of resolution. It enables us to connect with our pain and release it, freeing us to be our true selves.
Rebirthing Breathwork leads to a deeper understanding of our unique role in the world and the gifts we have to offer.
As part of a Breathwork session Aaron includes guidance in the use of Positive Affirmations. When we experience traumatic events, our subconscious mind creates false beliefs about ourselves and our world. For example, parental disapproval can lead to the belief that "I am not good enough". A traumatic birth can lead to the belief "the world isn't safe" or "I'm not wanted".
Working with Positive Affirmations in alignment with Rebirthing help re-program our subconscious mind to be in alignment with our highest good and true desires.
In-Person Rebirthing Breathwork Session: $130.
Virtual Rebirthing Breathwork Session:
Sliding scale options available.
Sessions generally last between 2 to 3 hours.
Re-Writing Your Core Story Session

We all have positive qualities which give us a unique purpose in life. We all have gifts we can share which add fulfillment to our lives and enrichment to the world. When we are in alignment with our true nature and expressing our true talents we flow gracefully with life's experiences.
Sometimes these qualities, gifts and talents become inhibited by negative subconscious beliefs. These negative beliefs are often born from painful childhood experiences. We create these false beliefs as a way to cope with and explain childhood traumas. "My parents disapprove of me therefore I must be unlovable", "I have been physically abused or bullied because I am bad and deserving of punishment" etc. etc..
Our beliefs about ourselves become subconscious operating systems. They guide our lives in often detrimental ways until we expose them and heal them. We have the power to create the story we want. We can take control of our lives and fulfill our highest potential.
The Re-Writing Your Core Story session is an effective way to free yourself from these negative operating systems and transform them into positive beliefs which are in alignment with your natural gifts. Using the Personal Law/ Personal Lie consultation created by Leonard Orr and Laz Jefferson Aaron will guide you into discovering unknown aspects of yourself and show you how to re-write your story to fit with your true desires. You can create the life you want and experience the joy of connecting to your true self.
Re-Writing Your Core Story Session: $80.
Sliding scale options available.
Consults generally last between 60 to 90 minutes.
Group Pranayama Deep Dive

The Pranayama Deep Dive is a group Rebirthing Session Led by Aaron and hosted by yoga studios, wellness centers and private individuals. These sessions offer a supportive and intimate group dynamic in which to experience the power of the Breath. Participants report feeling refreshed rejuvenated and supremely relaxed.
Dive down deep and cleanse yourself of old unwanted energies emotions and beliefs. We are infinite beings and the breath supports us on our path to our unlimited true nature.
To Host a Deep Dive contact Aaron.
Mentoring Session
I am happy to offer mentoring sessions for aspiring breathworkers. My 30+ years of experience has helped me gain insights and understandings about the breath that I love sharing with others.
Currently offering both Zoom and in-person sessions. Aaron's home office is located in SW Portland near the Terwilliger and Taylors Ferry intersection. House calls are also an option in the Portland area.
For a free 15min consultation and appointments, please contact Aaron at,
+1 (503) 290-6496
or to send an email:
(I typically respond to emails within a day or two. I have been having problems with my response emails not reaching recipients. If you don't hear back from me, feel free to send a text)